內容介紹 : Solitaire by Amalgam Apps is a version of the famous card game of Windows Solitaire. This new feature game using cards with large images for e …
And app to jumble up what you have to say.Send "encrypted" messages to your friends to stop others from seeing what it is you have to say.This app act …
The "Soroban" is an abacus developed in Japan.This App is a simulator of an "Soroban". There is a function of undoing and redo. 免費玩Simple Soroban APP玩 …
Simple ROT13 Premium is an utility allowing to cipher or hash a text using ROT13 or L33T ROT13 algorithm, and much more.Available algorithms are :- MD …
Simple ROT13 Free is an utility allowing to cipher a text using ROT13 or L33T ROT13 algorithm. ROT13 is a simple cipher which shift each letter from t …
Simple ROT13 is an utility allowing to cipher a text using ROT13 or L33T ROT13 algorithm.ROT13 is a simple cipher which shift each letter from the tex …
This software is a recording software for IPAD, it has the following characteristics: good operation interface, easy to use, support multiple format a …