《魔咒 The Curse》是一款锻炼脑力的益智休闲游戏,玩家将对抗恶魔Mannequin,他会不停的给你出各种各样的难题,是时候该好好的用下大脑了,只要你能全部解开,就可以将恶魔Mannequin永久的封印.这相当具有挑战性哦,很耐玩的一款游戏.游戏中包含了世界范围内著名的谜题,考验脑子的时候到了 …
Very easy to use but very powerful Custom Databases which will allow you to create unlimited amount of different databases with custom fields for each …
Secure Database of all your Passwords that you can take with you. Very basic to make it very simple to use. You can use your own password to protect a …
Picture This - Very simple and useful quiz, just select what you think you see. The answer will be revealed and some very interesting facts about this …
With Sendys Explorer mobile you can use your smartphone´s camera to create scan jobs and convert documents to editable formats.All Scan Connectors are …
Lead Shah Rukh to the greatest treasure heist ever , through the random generated Mazes of the ruins.Exciting adventure is awaiting you in this bigges …