Mobil Müze uygulaması ile size Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi eserleri hakkında birçok bilgiyi Mobil Artırılmış Gerçeklik altyapısıyla zenginleştirerek …
✩ Conquer the stars!!! ✩ Conztellation is a casual strategy game that you can play against the computer, against the person next to you, or against so …
Control your smart home with your fingertips through Auluxa's Automation App. The app allows you to control your home over 3G /4G or remote networks f …
Don't Miss! To Play Cony Chubby Converse for Free! (Limited Time Offer) Match 3 Cony or else to complete level. Download Now! It's Simple and Fun for …
O aplicativo Aulas FAAP mostra de forma simples e elegante os horários de suas aulas da semana inteira, compatível com qualquer curso da Fundação Arma …
Aulablog - una nueva forma de enseñar!Aulablog es la nueva e interactiva manera de mostrar conocimientos. Gracias a su motor de realidad aumentada, ap …
The Game of Life is the best known example of a cellular automaton. It was created around 1970 by John Conway, a British mathematician.While most impl …
Die App stellt das Kunst- und Auktionshaus Walter Ginhart in Form eines informativen Kurzvideos und -beschreibung vor. Der Benutzer hat Einblick in de … – tai pirmoji išmanioji aukojimo programėlė Lietuvoje, suteikianti galimybę patogiai, saugiai ir greitai aukoti įvairiems portale esantiems s …
The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970.The "game" is a z …