Check Calculator
It doesn't matter if you want to quickly calculate your discount or tip - now Check Calculator will do all the maths for you!Simple and easy to us …
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Lindo Cachorro es 1
Perritos lindos y divertidos, son entre los animales domésticos más preferidos tanto para niños como para adultos. Esto no es sorprendente, porque los …
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Flush Your Money
Flush Your Money Now! Are you looking for a simple and stress-free way to waste your money? Want to show your friends and the world that you have extr …
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I GOTTA reach the bus
I just GOTTA reach the bus. But the evil red boxes doesn't make the task easy. You have to be clever and precise to help me avoid them. You have t …
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Distracted Driver
In Distracted Driver your goal is to reach as far as possible without hitting someone.The car will drive on its own, you only have to worry about hitt …
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