This application will help to save on most of the main disadvantages of modern humans. Yes, that cockroach! If they tortured you, then this app is for …
Politie Stop App.Geeft dezelfde tekst weer als op de hoedenplank van een politieauto.Ik heb dit gemaakt voor mijn zoontje, die helemaal gek van politi …
Stop Ebola Gives you information on what Ebola is all about, all the attributes,History and the origin of Ebola,Causes of ebola that one has to be awa …
A simple timer with alarm which has a stop, pause, start and, restart buttons that makes it an easy to use stop watch. Detailed instructions on how to …
*Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracks from world-renowned certified hypnotherapist Amy Applebaum * High quality, state of the art recordings *Hyp …
The special melody that this application contains receive and connect unconsciously with the subliminal messages within your mind. These messages help …
-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-The most fun number game in the world!The most challenge number game in the world!-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆-☆- …
A revista T&D Inteligência Corporativa é a única revista brasileira especializada em Educação Corporativa e Gestão Inteligente de Pessoas. Agora na ve …