Super Duck platform Game: A classic Mario & Yoshi style platform game where your task is saving ducklings! SuperDuck, a mutant superhero, travels thr …
Danger Duck swim in the river at high speed everyday! Avoid the grey ducks & get coins as much as possible!Achieve high score!Control skills:1. Hold & …
Download this App to schedule an appointment via our Appointment Request Form which has a time-saving interface. Communicate with us directly and cost …
Use SmokerSafe to find out how many more years you could live if you stop smoking today. This application also helps you calculate how much money you …
Quit smoking with SF28 - your Road to a Smoke Free future.Quitting smoking can be very tough. SF28 guides you through the first 28 days of your attemp …
Use SmokerSafe to find out how many more years you could live if you stop smoking today. This application also helps you calculate how much money you …
App that shows the user the effects of smoking on his/her own face (short-term and long-term). The app can be used at any age but was originally devel …
We provide this app for patients to easily contact the office, request an appointment, or request emergency treatment (and include a photo of the prob …
[Summary]Application to manage the situation of cigarettes smoking.Will be added to the total amount will be recorded in the amount of smoking time yo …