Trail de Vallforners 2013
El proper dia 2 de Juny coincidint amb la festa major de Cànoves farem la nostra primera edició del Trail de Vallforners, serà un Trail que transcorre …
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Two in a Zoo
Mahmoud, swinging his wrinkled old trunk to and fro dejectedly,ignored the stack of fresh timothy which the Keeper had dumped on thefloor of the Eleph …
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Traffic4Seniors es una aplicación de seguridad vial orientada a conductores experimentados que mediante el uso de distintos consejos de conducción pre …
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Esta app permite a los estudiantes contestar durante la clase y mediante su dispositivo móvil a preguntas tipo test planteadas por el profesor a travé …
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Killer Ape
some people has been killed this ape's son, so he will save the others in his family .. can you help it ??it's a game which need some one who …
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