A learning app for the parts of the ear. While a traditional match and memory type game, its true purpose is to teach the parts of the ear by matching …
This small competitive game will allow you to train your ear to changes of notes.So it will be easier for you to spot the differences between two note …
Please leave comments and suggestions to improve this application.This program is free and designed to calculate Disney Vacation Club (DVC) points usa …
If you are e.g. a song-writer and want to take your skills a step further this is a good app to take a step forward.Imagine you are under the shower, …
Musical Ears is music ear training App to feed perfect pitch or relative pitch. A sense of pitch may grow if you play successively.- Single Lesson and …
Ear Trainer is designed to aid an aspiring musician in learning to read sheet music and pick notes out by ear. It features three modes including a pra …
Ear training is an essential part of a good music education. It helps one learn songs faster and more accurately. It improves improvisation and compos …