This is the BETA version of AGEphone. You can use this version if you are an experienced user and wish to get a preview of upcoming features. For most …
ShadowVPN is an open source fast, safe VPN based on libsodium. Designed for low end devices, mobile devices or OpenWRT routers.Find out how to set up …
Epigram is a photo based communication app that brings group conversations to life with memes.- Snap a funny pic or upload it from your gallery. You c …
Control your home! With Extundo Apps eControl, you can control several kind of devices. The beta supports switches, dimmers, power meters, window cove …
iKnow MagicTurn to a mentalist by iKnow Magic!Imagine the following scenario: You give a spectator your smartphone and tell him that you set up your l …
BMI - v. 2.6 - calculates the Body Mass Index (BMI) of a person, based on NHANES II survey specifications, by entering weight, height and sex. It also …