Local Place is a mobile app that shows what's around you: best point of interests, paths and things to do, everything in one app.Local Place is a proj …
WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Für diese eBook Edition benötigen Sie KEINE zusätzliche Lesesoftware. Buchinhalt und Lesesoftware (der eBook Media Reader) sind ein …
Local Places is your personal mobile guide. Use Local Places to look up addresses, phone numbers, opening hours and user reviews for thousands of bus …
It is an application for the professional Cab drivers developed to reduce costs, optimize their work and log it on a daily basis which is highly user …
WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Für diese eBook Edition benötigen Sie KEINE zusätzliche Lesesoftware. Buchinhalt und Lesesoftware (der eBook Media Reader) sind ein …
Aplicação voltada para usuários do software Loggi da empresa Profsyst Informática. Faz o gerenciamento dos atendimentos dos pacientes do setor de Aten …
Sfrutta le possibilità del tuo iPhone o del tuo iPod Touch alla massima utilità ed efficienza con i consigli, trucchi e altri suggerimenti descritti i …
LogePal Mobile provides highly customized layouts and reporting for your contact center. Monitor quantity and quality performance metrics and display …