Level up your eco-knowledge with 52 simple ways to reduce your waste, eat organic, and keep toxins out of your home. As you progress through each of t …
Do you want to know more about Korea where Psy, singer of Gangnam Style, was born? All That Korea gives all the information about Korea.This is Simpli …
This is the classic memory card game with a twist, you get to memorize chinese characters. You can pair up chinese characters, or pair up chinese char …
SimpleWriter is a new application to tak notes in a simple way.Looks like ICS.免費玩Simple Writer APP玩免費免費玩Simple Writer AppSimple Writer APP LOGOSimple …
A free gas cost calculator.Currently only supports gallons, miles, and US Currency.The quick and simple way to calculate gas costs for a trip.免費玩Simpl …
Simple Yoga gives and in depth insight of various asanas in a very simple way. Free support related to spiritual activities like yoga,meditation,reiki …
Ever wanted to quickly take down some notes, or copy some text from another application to use later, Without having to save the file, Think of a suit …
Ever wanted to have your device talk for you? Well now you can! Perhaps you need to generate some speech for a project, or maybe you just have laryngi …
A simple counter app to help you tally or count things easily!Simply tap the button to increase by 1, and long press on the button to decrease by 1. T …
Have you ever wanted just a simple list making application? Just a way to quickly jot down something you will need to recall later. Simple List is jus …