Roulette Calculator calculates probability of the next spin in Roulette. So it is a kind off roulette prediction (not roulette cheating). And you do n …
The Brewing Assistant from is an app for assisting in the brewing of your beer. It helps you build your own recipes by calculating yo …
Con esta herramienta se podrán consultar de manera rápida y sencilla:- Las calificaciones de todas las materias en las que se encuentra inscrito cualq …
The Oil & Gas Journal, first published in1902, is the first place people look for the latest intelligence on every aspect of the oil and gas industry. …
Featuring the best in tactics, technology and training for the law enforcement professional, Law Officer provides the quality information needed to ge …
Das überregionale Fachmagazin für Feuerwehr, Brandschutz, Rettungsdienst sowie Katastrophenschutz. Die Zeitschrift informiert zeitgemäß, leserfreundli …