Counting calories? Tired of finding kilojoules (kj) listed on the nutritional information and having to manually convert it to calories (kcal)? Then t …
Display a folder, including sub-folders, of videos and images, continuously and robustly in a loop. Add an overlay PNG image and use an overlay png.xm …
Hola! Te ofrecemos para que disfrutes los últimos documentales publicados en nuestro sitio web. Ahora en tu Android.Podrás encontrar documentales orga …
Aplikasi streaming Video muslim yang berasal dari channel-channel islam di youtube yang terpercaya dan terjamin kredibilitasnya.Dalam aplikasi ini dis …
Hardness converter is an app that allows you to convert the values of all the existing scales of hardness according to ASTM E140-07:VickersBrinell H …