在企業經營的過程中,我們常常會發現組織執行任務的過程中,因為受限於資源、目標、時間種種限制,時常無法取得一個十全十美的平衡,導致事倍功半,於是,主管們紛紛為此傷透腦筋!身為主管的你,怎麼作才能事半功倍地執行任務呢?在這堂課程中,我們將先帶你一起來瞭解什麼是專案?接著,再透過 Dr. Way 精闢的說 …
The first thriller by the indie studio that created the million-selling RUNAWAY saga! A psycho is killing beggars alive in New York. A Y-shaped scar f …
“5/5, Take out anything getting in your way between you and the App Store to grab this title" - appadvice.com “4/5, Magic Orbz is exceptionally good f …