APK Editor is a powerful tool that can edit/hack apk files to do lots of things for fun. It can help us to do things like string localization, backgro …
APK Manager Pro is full feature with out advertisement apk organizing application. It is a lightweight utility to manage the Installed, downloaded and …
Are you going to upgrade your phone? Do you want to be able to roll back to previous version of updated application?You need to save APKs of installed …
Do you want to know why your app always automatically starts up?Autorun Manager is an super tool that helps you to analyze the autorun behavior and le …
Do you want to know why your app always automatically starts up?Autorun Manager is an super tool that helps you to analyze the autorun behavior and le …
Do you want to have control over automatically starting applications?Autorun Manager (formerly Autorun Killer) is an ultimate tool that lets you disab …
Do you want to have control over automatically starting applications? Autorun Manager (formerly Autorun Killer) is an ultimate tool that lets you disa …
Available in english and german!And it supports l/100km, km/l and MPG!***Did you ever want to know how economic your car really is? You might be very …
Pro Full featured file manager for Android, fresh app design and user friendly functions!* File Manager* Process Manager* Backup Manager* List and gri …