This is a simple airplane mode switching widget. This is a widget and not an application.This application is included with my other toggles in my Prem …
This app works as a widget and/or lockscreen app, not to be confused with an application normally found in your phones app drawer.After the Android 4. …
Some Android phones take a long time to find service after an interruption (e.g. going down to the basement). Turning Airplane Mode on then back off u …
Requires root!Toggle which radios will turn off when Airplane Mode is enabled.This will allow you to enable keep Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and/or NFC enabled …
Application "Airplane Mode OnOff Toggle Widget" is a simple widget (1x1) that allows user to easily change Airplane Mode to either on or off.States of …
Віджет для швидкої перезагрузки (перереєстрації) мережі. Постійно знімаються кошти за інтернет??? НАДОЇЛО ПОСТІЙНО ПОПОВНЮВАТИ РАХУНОК ???? Постійно н …
Xperia arc style AirplaneMode change widget.You can change ON or OFF on AirplaneMode setting in this widget.Please try my other free widget. if you ha …