Patentes Chile versión Android Aplicación que permite al usuario buscar toda clase de información asociada a un automóvil. Solo usando la placa patent …
Are you the next Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, or the Wright Brothers? Who was the first person to patent the light bulb, television, camera, …
Ein Patent ist ein hoheitlich erteiltes gewerbliches Schutzrecht für eine Erfindung. Der Inhaber des Patents ist berechtigt, anderen die Nutzung der E …
GE Licensing has made thousands of patents available to help you take your products and innovations to the next level. The GE Patents app gives you a …
Creatine is one of the most effective bodybuilding supplements on the market, helping athletes build muscle and recover faster!However it can be very …
Bullet Guider is a side scrolling game that lets you take control of a bullet, and it uses the accelerometer on your phone to let you maneuver around …
Get on your phone the best pictures of dogs. Send to Whatsapp, Facebook, Line... Edit them and creates demotivating posters, thanks to the WhatsApp Do …