Pasa Saldo es una Aplicacion que te permite pasar saldo de telcel a telcel de una forma rápida y sencilla.Solo debes seguir los siguientes pasos:escri …
Pink fluffy unicorns: dancing (bouncing) on rainbows.Super simple game. Sorta like nyancat.Will add powerups (baloons at least), and more features dep …
Cloud_HDD是支援WebDAV(Distributed Authoring and Versioning)的客戶端應用程式,用來進行網際網路上點對點的檔案傳輸,也是就是所謂置於雲端的資料儲存和分享的服務,使用者隨時可上傳或下載個人的文件資料於儲存設備上,而這資料的格式也都支援現今常用的辦公室軟 …
The revolutionary tool to explore, analyse and clean your cloud storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and BOX).With this app you will be able to:1 …