Currency Converter - Convert different Currencies In Real Time. Know the value of the currency or currencies of the country you want and makes the val …
Easy to use currency converter.Features: * Offline mode. * Several sources of currency rates. * Convert 150+ currencies. * Powerful calculator with pe …
Live currency, foreign exchange rates for 33 world currencies (most popular) with user-friendly design and option to customize and arrange order of fa …
Convert currencies of all the countries in the world. -One convert listing currency against other currencies -One-to-one feature, a currency conversi …
Currency Converter is an easy to use financial utility that allows you to get the latest currency exchange rates for more than 150 currencies. Recent …
***New Feature***video and audio information displayScan entire devices for video files for conversionExtract part of a video by specifying the start …
Currency converter is a small application that helps you make fast currency conversions while doing other things on your mobile phone. For example, yo …