Mobile Composer is a fun and easy app that lets you compose music on your tablet or phone. It has an intuitive drag and drop interface that lets you d …
Android Composer merupakan software composer dengan format Not Angka. Notasi disusun berdasarkan format umum yang di pakai di Indonesia yaitu Not Angk …
The App "The Great Composers" is detailed guide to the lives and works of 223 composers from Medieval to the 21st Century. So most of the main compose …
Composer te permite crear pequeños iconos basados en otras imágenes que tengas en tu dispositivo. Además, podrás modificarlas añadiendo efectos como " …
Quick Compose - Dictation to Text or EmailSimple and efficient App that uses the standard Android in built speech to text facility.Dictate your texts …
Provides information on all-digital solutions for capturing, creating, editing and distributing digital media. Avid products are used to produce films …
AVIDE.Vigneti e Cantine dal 1882.La nota cantina iblea vi propone un inedito viaggio alla scoperta di vini e piatti e non solo.Una viaggio per appassi …
An easy-to-use tool for exhibitors at conformation dog show events in the US. Calculates Champion and Grand Champion points available by breed and div …