This app allows users to calculate the total daily morphine milligram equivalents (MME) that a patient is taking, based on type of opioid analgesic, s …
LSTCalc is the LST Heavy Liquid dilution calculator. You enter the density you want, and LSTCalc tells how much deionised water to add (or remove) for …
Easy to use scientific calculator with all the desired functions, some of which include:MemoriesTrigonometric functionsExponentialsLogarithmsScientifi …
Ferramenta essencial para todo vendedor e usuário do MercadoLivre, o MLCalc realiza todas as contas e esclarece o custo de se anunciar no site de leil …
Práctica herramienta auxiliar para oncología:- Cálculo de superficie corporal- Cálculo del índice de masa corporal- Cálculo del aclaramiento de creati …
--------------- Loop Tuning in your Pocket --------------- PIDcalc is a utility to calculate Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) tuning values …
PwrCalc: Convert voltage (peak-to-peak or RMS), Power, dBm, dBu, or dBV to another form for a given impedance and waveform.All fields are editable, en …
pCalc is used to determine the nominal bearing of CIP, H-Pile, and Timber piles according to the 3 formulas used by the Minnesota Dept. of Transportat …