NOTE: This will NOT work with a plain old $5 car charger. A Dock accessory is a special piece of hardware made by your phone manufacturer that is comp …
With Locale and the SMS Plug-in, your phone can send SMS messages automatically based on conditions like location and time.Keep your family up-to-date …
Tycoon SMB (Small & Medium Business) is a comprehensive INVOICE / RETAIL BILLING / POS application incorporating "Best in Trade" practices specially f …
Now you can play this classic thrilling board game on your Android Phone or Tablet.Throw in fruits at the top of the board and watch them slide. You t …
KOD 網路點歌APP (需搭配中華電信HiNet KOD使用)『KOD』線上K歌機是一台專為家庭使用的卡拉OK機。家裡有網路,打開電視就開唱,超簡單!現在加碼推出雲端點歌APP, 透過android手機、PAD就可以搜尋歌曲並立即點歌到家中的KOD,如同多了一台點歌機,歡唱更方便。請先申裝 HiN …