Nicolaus Copernicus (19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543) was a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated a heliocentric model of the univers …
Galileo Galilei (15 February 1564[3] – 8 January 1642), often known mononymously as Galileo, was an Italian physicist, mathematician, engineer, astron …
Kada je slavni italijanski matematicar, fizicar i astronom poceo da primenjuje durbin za astronomska posmatranja, njegova otkrica su predstavljala prv …
Sehen, Staunen, Verstehen - jetzt auch auf deinem Android Smartphone!Das Galileo Videolexikon - die Videosuche zum ProSieben Wissensmagazin: Hier könn …
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Moda, bellezza, intimità, benessere, casa, maternità, tendenze: tutto quello che interessa a una donna raccontato da chi è donna come te. - Articoli e …
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