Horse Stable Tycoon is a huge, exciting and progressive game that'll keep the user entertained for months. First you buy a horse and like a pet you mu …
"Should I call the doctor if I’ve had a sore throat for three days?” “What should I do when my child falls and gets a bump on the head?” These are que …
Caution!"Stabar" is not relevant to Starbucks coffee."Stabar" uses a private API."Stabar" = "Sta"rting + Status"bar"Application start and checkbox che …
Looking for a playful app to stimulate creative minds? Want to paint beautiful pictures on your phone? Looking for attractive designs for cards, invit …
Magzter, the world’s largest and fastest growing global digital magazine and book newsstand, introduces the MagCMS app exclusively for publishers usin …
Create a special card for your mother this Mother's Day. Mother's Day Card Creator is unique in that it lets you design as much or as little of the ca …