Stores important information for first responders and hospital staff to use in case of an emergency involving you:+ A list of people to call -- can ca …
ICEcard is a convenient way to store information needed by rescuers and doctors, if you are a victim of an emergency. In addition to a list of contact …
Save important medical information on your phone including...-Personal Information-Medical History-Emergency Contacts-Insurance InformationAlso create …
Aplikacja In Case of Emergency umożliwia szybki odczyt najważniejszych danych o osobie poszkodowanej między innymi:-Imię, Nazwisko-Grupę krwi-Potwierd …
ICE – in case of Emergency is useful app to reach your dear ones and nears once on a single click.Just click the button – in Case of Emergency, your l …
"ICE Emergency Help" - Take the extra step for safety.In situations like medical emergencies, accidents or when crime is happening every minute is imp …
Emergency Information: ICE (In Case of Emergency)Save important medical information on your phone which can then be accessed from the Lock Screen by e …
The Dombroff Gilmore Jaques & French Aviation Emergency Response Mobile Application features the information needed to help airlines and other aviatio …
This is a quick and simple way to store emergency contact info, including medical notes such as allergies, conditions, etc. It ensures that if somethi …