DialMyApp is the shell application for respected customers of very smart businesses, which really want to improve their availability. DialMyApp is a b …
MyAppBrain is a knowledgebase tool, and at the same time a mindmapper, a brainstorm tool, a task organizer and a notepad tool. If you are working with …
Z-App is a frequency generator app, built on the technology of Royal Raymond Rife. The common devices are better known as Rife Frequency Generators. T …
Met de Z’app naar een comfortabelere zorgsituatieDe Z’app, met accent op zorg, is een ideale hulp en verrijking van het dagdagelijkse leven van senior …
My City is a loyalty points based business promotional program you use with your smart phone.This B2C program provides a common platform to people and …
What is MyApp Channel? It’s a way for users to launch their Apps at a specified time and also share their channels with others!After you download the …
How to use1. Save my current apps, and then remember the key.2. Install "My App" your new mobile phone, and launch it.3. Enter received key, You can l …
Save the name and link on Play.Google of the apps installed by you, in a file.Share the list of applications, with your friends or save it in a safe p …
This app provides single sign-on to thousands of cloud applications using a single user account. You may already use the My Apps page to access the ap …