** CHAMPIONLoL Plus provides League of Legends (LoL) champion counters, countering tips, champion informations and more.** JUNGLELol Plus is support p …
LolHistory is a League of Legends lookup tool that delivers league stats, match history and champion stats breakdowns. Its clean and simple design all …
Whit this app, you can now check anywhere and anytime every League of Legends summoner profile you want!Ranked Stats, Summoner Statistics, Match Histo …
Sie wollen eine Spielhistorie oder das MMR eines Spielers von League of Legends ansehen? Mit dieser App ganz einfach!Innerhalb der App können Region u …
This app is full of Hgihtlights and full-length movie of Pro gamers and High rankers such as Fiker, Madlife, Flame.This is the app to show the list of …
帮助蛙巢的村民!与好友一起加入英雄联盟-League of Heroes,成为一个真正的英雄!永无止境的探险披荆斩棘在蛙巢森林的无数个地域中前进。快速自定义设置您的角色选择最佳战略打败敌人并自定义设置您的角色,有无数盔甲和武器可供选择。在探险中成长积累经验和银币、发掘宝藏并解锁魔术等不计其数的独特物 …
Acceso a los datos de cualquier invocador del famoso juego League of Legends en los servidores NA/LAN/LAS/EUW/EUNE/BR, podrás consultar la liga, histo …
Supported Servers: NA, EUW, EUNE, Not Supported: Brazil, South-East Asia, Turkey, Russia*UPDATE*: It is no longer possible to retrieve data from the B …