Marlee is a rescue dog, living in the beautiful Caribbean Island of Grand Cayman. Her friends Oreo, Princess Dezzie and Bossy Bella live on the same b …
Test the quality of your fish ear, with this specific hearing test.The term fish ear is a non-scientific term referring to the phase-locking hair cell …
Guitar Ear teaches guitar beginners to recognize guitar chords after hearing them. It supports 20 basic chords and four different instruments.You can …
这是一款音乐节拍类游戏.如果你曾经玩过劲乐团,那么这款游戏的玩法跟它有点类似.游戏就是考验玩家的反应和操作能力,手指弹奏音符,看你的准确度和得分有多高吧.游戏中还实验性的结合了手机振动的功能,为特定的节拍点附加了振动因子,当玩家击中带有振动因子的节拍点时就会感觉到不同程度的震动.免費玩电音达人 AP …