This application creates backup copies of your master data and stores it in a format *.xml. This format understand many applications so you can easily …
Are you struggling with the fact that you really don't know anything about how to find a date? With all the other pressures in life a person has to go …
جدة التاريخية :تعود نشأة مدينة جدة إلى ما يقارب 3000 سنة،ويذكر أهل الأخبار أن جدة بن جرم بن ربان بن حلوان بن عمران بن إلحاف بن قضاعة وهو أحد العرب قبل …
Find nutrient information on over 8,000 foods easily using Nutrition Facts. RELIABLE DATA – All data are based on the latest USDA data, SR27, publishe …
Indian traditions are meant to bring harmony among all elements of nature. Many of us does not know that there are few reasons behind each Indian trad …
Food Nutrition FactsIf you’re a parent then you know just how important nutrition can be to your growing child. You’ll also know just how difficult it …
Nutrition Facts is a quick and beautiful app that shows nutrition information for a large number of foods. You can browse by name, by food category, o …
The Nutritional Facts app provides nutrient facts on food items compiled by the USDA. By following the FDA labeling guidelines, this app displays the …