3D glass theme for exDialer.-3D glass buttons-transparent background-move to SD-full HD (1080x1920) and tablet optimizationUse:Open exDialer - Menu - …
3-D Printing is ushering a new era, it leads another industrial revolution and eventually will change everything. Just imaging that the meal materiali …
Juego de mesa basado en el más tradicional de todos los juegos en Colombia, el Parqués, derivado del antiguo Parchisi, Chaupat o Chaupar de la India, …
Artefacto et Ouest-France vous proposent une expérience inédite dans la presse française. Simplement en utilisant votre smartphone ou tablette, certai …
The collection of eight unique 3D models with animation. The gloomy environment, including a dark forest, an empty graveyard and abandoned docks.Each …
“TagMe” 3D is an innovative educational app that makes learning English both simple and exciting. This application uses emergent 3D and Augmented Real …