Martial arts is a The Art Of Self-Defense? So learning the art of Self defence is necessary in this world.This app gives you the introduction to vario …
Partia is a SRPG (Strategy RPG) video game inspired by Fire Emblem and Tear Ring Saga series. In a high fantasy setting, the game will take players th …
The application is designed for students of full-time and correspondence courses for high school students for those who want to learn or to repeat or …
Derivatives and differential of a function of several variables. The application is designed for students of full-time and correspondence courses for …
Hi Guys,Enter any function and this works out any derivative at x or at any specific value. It basically does what it says on the tin. So if you have …
Hi Guys,Enter any function and this will calculate the answer. It does just what it says on the tin. So if you have homework that you need to double c …
Compute functions derivatives directly on your Android device!Very useful for math or physics exercices✓ Compute first and second derivative✓ Nice loo …
FaceRange detects faces from your phone camera and use that information to calculate estimations of distances from you to that person. If the person i …