Drag the character with your finger to move, collecting all the coins you can, but be sure to avoid the tomatoes!iCatching Pied Piper consists of one …
If you have a vulnerable relative, friend or neighbour that is at home alone during the day or is living independently, then this application can prov …
Pipuu.com es el portal paraguayo de primicias y chismes más visitado actualmente.Recibí las noticias en tu móvil, y podrás compartirlas antes que nadi …
PerApp lets you customize your device with per-application individualized settings.Currently you can vary the following settings on a per-app basis:- …
Welcome to GiftPiper.com. This venture was born out of my obsession with digging out beautiful, handmade things at bargain prices. Like the fabled pie …
Anda memiliki sebuah robot Penyu. Tugas anda ialah berlawan dengan robot Penyu hitam. Ini adalah permainan yang menggunakan sistem IAK. Walaubagaimana …
Pip is a series of animated episodes that allow children to enjoy mastering the two most important skills they will ever learn: reading and maths.It h …
(This corresponds to English)It is an application program that manages the password.Please use it to manage passwords such as the mail addresses and W …
In 2050, humans split into Justice League and Evil league. The evil league waged an unprecedented war to rob and commandeer resources all over the wor …