Best collection of Old Phone Ringtones from around the world for you.Do something different and outrageous. Instead of tired old Android default ringt …
Old Phone Ringtones contains 45 select set of classic and retro ringtones. These old style phone bell ringtones will take you down the memory lane. Ho …
A Plain Old BarometerPlain. Practical. Perfect.Displays the current atmospheric pressure in as large a font as possible, no bells, no whistles, and ce …
Go old school with this Retro rotary dialer!This rotary dialer phone works just like the ones in the wild 1960s.Have fun with it and show off to your …
Post Office Finder enables you to find post offices in the world with convenience.You can not only search post offices through [My Location] but also …
Den Sendungsstatus Ihres Pakets immer und überall wissen? Den elektronischen Gelben Zettel sofort auf das Handy bekommen? Schnell und bequem von unter …
PST je aplikacija za navigacijo po PST (Pot spominov in tovarištva, Pot ob žici). Postreže tudi z zgodovino in koristnimi informacijami o parkiriščih, …
Have something beautiful and alive right on your phone. Gently shake your phone to water the plant. Try to water it at least once a day. Draw a clockw …