The Best Application of 2015!Talking to your dogs and puppies. Dog and puppy sounds. Fun dog and puppy game.I created this app because I love dogs and …
Dog Body language Translator Provides:1. Translator for Dogs Body Language so that you can better understand your dog from its posture.2. Translate Do …
Fun app! The Pet Translator records the sounds of your pet and translates them into human language. Besides a number of random results you can add a p …
Kesulitan dalam menghafal nama latin dari hewan yang begitu banyak, Membutuhkan waktu lama jika mencari nama latin di buku atau internet, Masih sediki …
برنامج لتعليم الأطفال معلومات مبسطة عن الحيوانات مع رؤية شكل الحيوان وإمكانية التعرف على صوته بالضغط على صورتهويحتوي الجزء الثاني من البرنامج على قسم …
DescriptionDog dictionary is a unique dictionary dedicated to dog lovers, owners and soon to be owners. The dictionary has over 150 listed dog breeds. …
Camera Translator is the easiest and most accurate way to translate text using your camera.With this app, you can translate text simply by taking a pi …
Pick a word from a list of over 200+ and get a picture of it for free and without any data usage (unless translating text).Now with text to speech and …