This application scans the wifi networks nearby and shows them sorted with many other information about them.On click you can connect your smartphone …
This app will help you to change your default WiFi interface. Why do you need to change your default WiFi interface ?Some devices have multiple interf …
This App is for converting your phone into a controller with which you can play Road Rage 3D. It features gyro control for better car control and a re …
يعتبر أول كتاب منهجي ينسق ويدون قواعد اللغة العربية. وألفه شيخ النحاة " أبو بشر عمرو بن عثمان بن قنبر البصري، المعروف بسيبَوَيه "، وقال عنه الجاحظ أنه …
Visio-Control via Wifi on iPhone, iPod , iPad & AndroidTry out a new way of controling - Wifi connection and Video streaming - Night Visio-control fro …
Wer hackt mein Handy?Diese App ermöglicht es dir, von nun an genau nachzuvollziehen und zu kontrollieren, ob jemand dein Handy ohne dein Wissen verwen …