This is the free version of the Exynos Pregnancy Calculator app that can be use to calculate the Gestational age and Expected delivery date for mother …
** Over 60,000 Downloads! ** Our Pregnancy Weight Calculator and Tracker helps your weight gain stay on track throughout your pregnancy. Keep your BMI …
소중한 아이를 잉태하신 모든 소중한 임산부님들께 드립니다.앱 다운 후 아기설정-> 임신생리마지막일 설정 과 태명 설정간단하게 2가지만 하시면 임신 주수를 간편히 알수 있습니다.포함된 내용1) 임신주수 몇주 인지 계산2) 임신 동영상을 통해 유용한 정보 드림.3) 위젯으 …
Mums to be are often bombarded with confusing and conflicting messages about what they should be eating. Our unique Pregnancy Diet Calculator will hel …
You can use this app to calculate the heating load for a simple rectangular building of brick/block or sheet construction under a pitched roof with na …
A simple calculator to determine the likely date of pregnancy and expectancy based on your last period. It also shows the approximate date of concepti …
This is app "Weight Gain Formula". we outline the keys to healthy weight gain for people who dont want to be body builders!A comprehensive guide cover …
Antenna Calculator is a useful tool when developing antennas for amateur radio purposes if you cannot remember the maths to calculate the frequency or …
Find the Rate of Gain of Cattle, Swine, and other livestock quickly and easily. There is no reason to remember the formula when this app can solve it …
Reach your ultimate goal weight faster with Weight Gain Chart, your Weight Gain Chart partner! Track the food, exercise, weight, cholesterol, diet dat …