ShapeLineUp is a new design for a popular game Tic-Tac-Touch. A player and computer take turns marking the spaces with the colored balls in a 5×5 grid …
How to play:Draw a line and make it move freely.This game is not the same with Blek, there are 3 play modes with over 40 maps, you have over 120 chall …
A new look at the traditional game.The original interface and an advanced algorithm for computer games distinguish this game from the analogues.More f …
Grade 2 Essentials is an app for kids in year 2. This app covers both Numeracy and Literacy tests targeting various mathematical and language skills. …
A Muslim child where ever born, and a person acceptance Islam, used to be called in a new name. Names of prophets-Names combined with Asmaul Husna (Na …
Sebuah aplikasi toko buku digital yang menyajikan buku-buku terbitan Sygma Publishing maupun penerbit Islami lainnya.Buku-buku bermutu dapat Anda down …
This is an app for grade 2 kids. This app lets the kids practice and score in the language/literacy tests. This apps is to boost up their confidence i …
تطبيق دار المسلم هو تطبيق يحتاجه كل مسلم في ألمانيا، يقدم مواقيت الصلاة والمساجد الأقرب لك وجملة من الأدعية والأذكار بالإضافة الى التعريف بالمراكز الإ …