Get a better start to the day using your Android device to wake up feeling refreshed and relaxed.Sleep Diary is an all-in-one sleep cycle alarm clock …
Get a better start to the day using your Android device to wake up feeling refreshed and relaxed.Sleep Diary is an all-in-one sleep cycle alarm clock …
Track your sleep the way sleep specialists do. The Drowzy Sleep Diary is the only Android app developed by a board certified psychiatrist and a sleep …
Sleep Pocket Journal is the official app of the Sleep Diagnosis and Therapy Journal. The app provides a variety of resources, such as top stories, qui …
Record the time of sleep every day, you can see in the calendar display app.Please touch to the screen.Being automatic, it starts record,If it does no …
Sleep App é a aplicação que permite conectar o seu dispositivo móvel a uma nova tecnologia existente no seu colchão, que monitoriza os movimentos dura …
* Peter Drucker's wisdom around you * Configurable font colors * Useful canlendar, brush, and eraser tools * Photos or audio recordings as attachments …