=====================================================================================Sorry to Inform you that Smart Decisions is going to be discontin …
Smart shoot is a Bluetooth 4.0 device corresponds to APP, the main features are: 1, anti-lost; long press the device to alert the search button 2s, th …
This is a free and most user-friendly QR code and bar code scanner. It can scan and store the QR code and bar code along with the photo. It can scan a …
An easy and smart way of using exchange rate (Korean currency) display and alarm application.KOR/USD (United States of America)KOR/EUR (European Union …
This beautifully illustrated book, can help your child understand how to smart rabbit we call “Smart Bunny” using the power of their imagination. We h …
Smart XPay는 LGU+가 제공하는 스마트폰/테블릿PC 전용 결제 어플리케이션입니다. 안드로이드 OS가 탑재된 스마트폰 및 테블릿PC 상의 각종 커머스 상에서도 일반 PC와 동일하게 편리하고 안전한 결제기능을 제공합니다.Smart XPay가 제공하는 주요 서비스 …
Odhoď papier a využi svoj inteligentný telefón alebo tablet naplno! Užitočný rozvrh pre študenta základnej, strednej ale aj vysokej školy. Vytvor si s …
Sudoku game with lots of options.You can choose an easy 1-3 (easy), 4-6 (medium) or 7-9 (hard) level. You can enter numbers by using the smart number …