This speedometer uses the GPS from your Android device to measure your speed. You can adjust the maximum speed displayed according to your activity li …
This application is a GPS-based Speedometer showing the speed of the device it is installed on. The speed is displayed both with an analogue gauge and …
Arrive safe is a smartphone Speedometer GPS app that that allow passengers monitor the speed at which they are travelling. It also allows travellers t …
This application allows you to measure your immediate and maximal speed. The speed is shown in real time on the screen and stored in the smartphone.Yo …
Speedometer uses your GPS to calculate your speed. The speedometer not only tells you your current speed but it also keeps track of your max speed. Ha …
An app to be used as speedometer in your car, bicycle and even when you walk!*Features:1- Very easy and small in size2- Ability to change the color3- …
This is the replacement version of Google Android Wear zooper free. This is a free version of the app that I made with the basic lay out for Android C …
NOTE - This will only work with Android Wear watches. If you are using a Samsung Gear watch, please install from the Samsung Gear store.With Snapzy, y …
Speedometer shows speed in KPH or MPH. Perfect for when you jog or ride a bicycle.This app is for Android Wear. When wearable app is open, long-tap an …