The All-in-one App for therapeutic needling. Includes traditional Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Electroacupuncture, Japanese Acupuncture, Percutaneous Ne …
SalonSwipe is made for the beauty industry booth renters who care about their clients, their businesses, and their industry. The beauty experts who us …
Swipe is a unique game that uses swiping to navigate and play.The soothing music, the ability to only have to use one finger and the clean and simple …
Данная игра изрядно пощекочит ваши нервишки и потренирует вашу реакцию. Все что вам предстоит это менять цвет кубика, но не все так просто как вам мож …
BMX Tap -n- Swipe lets you Tap and Swipe your way through the levels from Noob to BMX Pro, as you try to advance to the next level by hitting each mov …