DESCRIPTION: App Booster is the most effective and secure Android app designed to help improve your device’s performance, free up memory, and give you …
Regain the speed of your Android device when you first got it! Over time, Android builds up cache files and database files that take up space on your …
Each ROOT USER MUST HAVE this unique application. Control your CPU with easy user friendly interface. It is well known ,that CPU influences device per …
Root booster is for those who need more performance to run applications smoothly without lags or for those who need to improve a poor battery lifeTher …
★ RAM Booster ★Sie können durch einen einzigen Klick Ihren RAM beschleunigen.Beenden Sie einfach und schnell laufende Anwendungen mit der Boost Funkti …
Best optimizer tool. Formerly called Smart RAM Booster Highlights for Smart Booster Smart RAM Booster: small widget for boosting the RAM can be flexib …