Draw chemical structures. View 3D. Generate IUPAC names. Calculate properties. Simulate NMR. ChemDoodle Mobile!NOTE: ChemDoodle® Mobile is accessed wi …
IPTV and VOD being the future of interactive television OBS has evolved itself to cater to the needs of entrepreneurs in terms of providing flexible a …
IMPORTANT: AngioScan-01P portable device is required for using this application as a measuring tool (Please visit http://angioscan.ru/en/ for details) …
Filepicker.io mobile is an app that increases the power of your Android device by allowing running apps to choose files from all your cloud services.F …
Xylect Mobile from Xylem is a tool for hand held devices that offers a convenient access to the wide range of pumps already available in Xylect Profes …
MobileDialer is a simple sip client. By using this application users can make voip call easily.The main features of this applications are-• Making voi …
Immo Mobile – Un click, Un toit…Trouvez votre futur appartement ou maison d’un click. Immo Mobile est une application spécialement conçue pour le marc …