Calculator which supports MultiWindow of Samsung Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note2, Galaxy S4.Available to use Calculator easily while using internet or messeng …
This is a simple calculator that calculates the geometric properties of an I beam (also known as an H-beam, W-beam or Wide Flange Beam). To use this a …
Calculator specialized for computations of inches and fractions of an inch.Formula based, easy to use.Simplified, useful functions only.Reduces extra …
Simple app for smokers of electric cigarettes that enables tracking of cost savings as well as purchases. Also shows date of break-even.Features:- Sho …
A quick and simple mildot calculator, range finder. Quickly find the range to a target using optics with mildot marks. Enter your target size, how man …
Flames Game is a relationship calculating algorithm famous between the youngsters. At the time of graduation everyone might heard about this and many …
This calculator will help you calculate both "the fast" burning and travel expenses as well as the on-board computer to replace you if you need it.Cal …
It is just a simple calculator for students, scientists or anybody else. It uses a Reverse Polish Notation which can calculate formulas like:2+2*22*(2 …
In our daily life, we need to calculate some things in a minute. So this app will help you to calculate discount,travel distance, travel speed, travel …