Learn Objective C quickly with this concise app that teaches you all the essentials about Objective C programming step by step. With Objective C, you …
Thrilled to get into the shares market quickly after hearing so many success stories? However, we have heard so often that people lose huge amounts of …
You MUST be connected to a WiFi network! This app will refresh WiFi connections & improve WiFi signal.1) First Enable Wifi, 2) Open Wifi booster Appli …
Wake Up Screen is a fun, handy and useful tool app. It allows you to wake up the screen upon shaking the tablet or phone, or by proximity (pausing han …
Connect to a high accuracy GPS or GNSS receiver, stream DGPS or RTK correction data to the receiver via NTRIP over the phone's Internet connection. Lo …
현재까지 전해오는 인류 전사에서 그 어느 전사와도 비교 조차 할 수 없는 임진왜란, 정유왜란의 명량해전, 명량대첩의 12대 300척이 넘는 해전의 승리! 이순신 장군의 판옥선 및 거북선으로 끝 없이 몰려오는 적을 분멸하는 통쾌한 해전을 펼쳐 보세요. 다양한 아이템으로 …