Create cool time lapse video recordings. Watch the clouds move in high speedFilm the cake rising in the oven right before your very eyes. Mess around …
Простое приложение для быстрого расчета степени тяжести гестоза (преэклампсии) по шкале Г.М. Савельевой. Приложение будет полезно, в первую очередь, в …
* Peter Drucker's wisdom around you * Configurable font colors * Useful canlendar, brush, and eraser tools * Photos or audio recordings as attachments …
# Dict Box is a *powerful, comprehensive, offline* dictionary/translator app with a *simple & clean* UI for your Android/iPhone/iPad. # This version i …
Scientific Graphing Calculator is a multifunctional and easy-to-use calculator, amazing for mass statistical data calculations. It provides a full set …