Gestion de l’apprentissage anticipé de la conduite. Permet de répertorier tous les trajets fait par l’élève et de savoir à chaque trajet le nombre de …
YouTalk AAC is the MOST BEAUTIFUL and EASY-TO-USE augmentative and alternative speech communication application designed for Android! Designed to give …
Darmowa aplikacja GADAczek przeznaczony do komunikacji alternatywnej i wspomagającej , dla osób mających poważne problemy z komunikacją werbalną. AAC, …
Now you can publish your Alexicom augmentative communication pages to your Android tablet or phone and take them anywhere. Communication pages with te …
Convert all your music files on your android deviceAll major input formats supported as Mp3, Flac, Wma, Ogg, Aac, Ac3, Ape, Wav, aiff...Configure enti …
Cuberter is a unit conversion app that can convert length, weight, volume and temperature. This is the first app that Cub Java Android class students …
ConvertMe! is a simple and sophisticated Number Conversion App.It supports conversions for DECIMAL, BINARY, OCTAL and HEXADECIMAL.It is able convert f …
ConvertAide, a comprehensive and easy to use application, aides you to do most of the metric unit conversion like temperature, length, area, mass and …