This is an Android application to display and record the video from a USB camera which is connected to a smart phone or a tablet device. For more deta …
Create expense reports out of the office by using Smart Expense, based on Generally Accepted Auditing Standards, GAAS and US GAAS.Snap a photo with th …
Weiterbildung ist für jeden Orthopäden und Unfallchirurgen ein Pflichtthema. Mit der App der Akademie Deutscher Orthopäden, kurz ADO, können Sie sich …
ShockWave is a wall-breaker designed for touch control. There is no racket, no up, no down. To make the balls move, players create shock waves tapping …
Take a photo or a second of video every day and put it into an easy to view calendar that can be shared with followers. Then create a cool time lapse …
★★★ Camere România (Cameras Romania) este aplicaţie gratuită care vă permit sa ma uit la camerele de trafic (imagini live) din România. ★★★ În prezen …