Health Advicer
With this app you can calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index),BMR .its calculate BMI and BMR using your weight and age and gender.It can also be used to …
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Sonos adviser
Tired of listening to the same music over and over again on your Sonos speakers? Then this is the app for you. By using your Lastfm account the app wi …
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نصائح اسلاميه -ISLAMIC ADVICES
يعرض البرنامج بعض النصايح المهمة التى يستفيد منها المسلم فى الحياة يستطيع المستخدم ارسال النصيحة الى اصدقائه عن طريق جميع الشبكات الاجتماعيه ويجتوى ال …
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