SBI Life Smart Advisor is a Mobile Application specifically developed to provide SBI Life Insurance Advisors access to their key business data like Po …
Oroar du dig för din alkoholkonsumtion? Att dricka alkohol ofta innebär att du till slut utvecklar ett fysiskt och psykiskt beroende. Alkoholen styr v …
The Slime mobile app gives you direct answers to the age-old question--How much Slime do I need?With the Slime Calculator, you can find out exactly ho …
* Un alcoholímetro sencillo y rápido de usar para esos momentos de fiesta.* Ayúdanos a ampliar las bebidas.* Fondo simulando bebida.* Gráfica para que …
Con esta aplicación podras calcular el nivel de alcohol en sangre que tienes en cada momento. Para ello solo debes iniciar una sesión e ir añadiendo b …
Description BTVMS-120 is a mobile phone surveillance application based on Android OS, which supports Beltech products, including the DVR, NVR and IP c …
Smart File Encryptor application gives you a very flexible and simple way to encrypt and decrypt you device files and folders with provided password.F …
flashplayerformobileIf you want to play flash on your device, you need to manually install the flash player.If you want to know the details, refer to …